[libblendinfo] Return information from Rust crate to C library

10 May 2022


[Important Update!] - scroll the the end …

Can the Rust crate blend_info be wrapped in a way that it can be used from within C?

This question I asked to myself (see ticket on sourcehut). There you can find links to another Rust crate and a blog post describing the experience of Exposing a Rust library to C.

Keep FFI separate from Rust crate

One decision I made after reading the blog post, was that I wanted to keep the Rust crate separate from it’s (example) usage from within C/C++. And sourcehut supports the work on a common project, which keeps certain aspects separate in it’s own git repositories:

  1. Rust crate: https://git.sr.ht/~wahn/blend_info
  2. C bindings: https://git.sr.ht/~wahn/libblendinfo

A Start

As a start I created a simple C example file (called camera.c):

#include "blendinfo.h"

int main(void) {
  char* filename = "blend/factory_v279.blend";
  char* camera = "Camera";
  extract_struct(filename, camera);

So, you provide two strings, the name of the Blender file to read, and the kind of information you are interested in (in this case cameras).

The header file (blendinfo.h) contains a single function prototype (in C):

void extract_struct(char* filename, char* structname);

That same C function looks like this on the Rust side:

pub unsafe extern "C" fn extract_struct(fn_ptr: *const c_char,
                                        sn_ptr: *const c_char) {
    let read_dna_result = read_dna(...)
    let use_dna_result = use_dna(...)

What’s missing?

One thing which is obviously missing is the return of those bytes being relevant to cameras to the caller (in C). Once that’s solved the C/C++ caller could simply create a struct like the one returned from the standalone blend_info executable (written in Rust and using the blend_info crate). See official documentation:

$ ./target/release/blend_info -n Camera blend/factory_v279.blend
Camera 248
struct Camera { // SDNAnr = 25
    ID id; // 120
    AnimData *adt; // 8
    char type; // 1
    char dtx; // 1
    short flag; // 2
    float passepartalpha; // 4
    float clipsta; // 4
    float clipend; // 4
    float lens; // 4
    float ortho_scale; // 4
    float drawsize; // 4
    float sensor_x; // 4
    float sensor_y; // 4
    float shiftx; // 4
    float shifty; // 4
    float YF_dofdist; // 4
    Ipo *ipo; // 8
    Object *dof_ob; // 8
    GPUDOFSettings gpu_dof; // 24
    char sensor_fit; // 1
    char pad[7]; // 7
    CameraStereoSettings stereo; // 24
}; // 248

If that return value is a memory block with exactly the same order of bytes as needed (with proper endianness) the number of bytes being returned should be a multiple of 248 bytes (but only for this particular Blender version) and in C you should be able to just use a pointer to step through those bytes and interpret them e.g. to read the clipping start float value (clipsta) and do whatever you need to do on the C/C++ side.


Why do I publish the current state, instead of waiting until the C/C++ library can be used or coming up with a more complicated example?

In my opinion the Rust crate already allows you to extract any information you need from a Blender file (using the DNA information). But one can not ignore the developers using C/C++ and centuries of library development in those languages. This is your chance to have a say, how the wrapper of the Rust code will look like and how you wish to use it. The rs-pbrt crate/executable is a full renderer written in Rust, with Ambient Occlusion (AO), Direct Lighting (no Global Illumination), Whitted’s ray-tracing algorithm, (Uni-directional) Path Tracing (Global Illumination), Bidirectional Path Tracing, Metropolis Light Transport (MLT), and Stochastic Progressive Photon Mapping (SPPM),) which also accounts for attenuation from participating media as well as scattering from surfaces. All of this is based on the third edition of the PBRT book. The C++ code for the forth edition is alreay out there on GitHub, the book is not available (yet). Anyway, the Rust code comes with an example file parse_blend_file, which can render Blender files directly (instead of using .pbrt files for version 3 of the file format described in the book). This is using already the blend_info Rust crate to extract information directly from .blend files and is an example usage for such a Rust integration. Once the C library is finished there is no reason you could not use the extracted bytes for other things, like an OpenGL or Vulkan based scene viewer etc. …


In the meantime I got some feedback on Reddit and the current state is:

From C (see example folder) you can ask e.g. for the bytes of a Camera struct, Rust will deal with reading the .blend file and returns a bunch of bytes (in a way that you can query the length of the returned vector of u8 values). The standalone blend_info program can be used to create a C struct in a header file:


Another header file (for the C bindings) can be created via the Rust crate safer-ffi:


Have a look at the example code (camera.c):

#include <stdio.h>
#include "blendinfo.h"
#include "camera_v279.h"

int main(void) {
  char* filename = "blend/factory_v279.blend";
  char* camera = "Camera";
  // call Rust function
  Vec_uint8_t bytes_read = extract_struct(filename, camera);
  // print returned bytes information
  printf("%d bytes received from Rust\n", bytes_read.len);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < bytes_read.len; i++) {
    uint8_t byte_read = bytes_read.ptr[i];
    if (byte_read) {
      printf("bytes_read[%d] = %d\n", i, byte_read);
  // blend_info -n Camera blend/factory_v279.blend > examples/camera_v279.h
  // 1. replace unknown types/structs by char some_name[byte_count];
  // 2. replace pointers by void* pointers
  // 3. cast pointer to struct defined in header
  struct Camera_v279* cam_v279 = (struct Camera_v279*) bytes_read.ptr;
  // print some float values from Camera struct (for Blender v2.79)
  printf("Camera.clipsta = %f\n", cam_v279->clipsta);
  printf("Camera.clipend = %f\n", cam_v279->clipend);
  printf("Camera.lens = %f\n", cam_v279->lens);

Happy to discuss the next steps in case anybody is interested …

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